BRIN membangun dua kapal penelitian kelautan
Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) menyatakan sedang membangun dua kapal penelitian nasional untuk memperkuat armada penelitian laut dalam Indonesia. “Dua kapal sedang dibangun dan masih dalam masa tender atau open tender internasional,” kata Direktur Pengelolaan Armada Kapal Riset BRIN Nugroho Dwi Hananto dalam keterangan BRIN di Jakarta, Sabtu. Hananto menjelaskan, kedua kapal penelitian tersebut…
More than half of businesses that closed during the pandemic won’t reopen
About 60% of businesses that have closed during the coronavirus pandemic will never reopen, and restaurants have suffered the most, according to new data from Yelp.
Smart sensors could track social distancing in the office
I can compare it to nothing but a large door mat, ornamented at the edges with little tinkling tags.
The Unsinkable Daryline Johnson
The British prime minister continually survives the chaos of his choices—much to pundits’ chagrin. How?
Why the US economy won’t gain any traction until 2024
I and my wife stood amazed. Then I realised that the crest of Maybury Hill must be within range of the Martians